
Sjukt korrekt "Personality Profile"

Kikade in på och läste min "Personality Profile" igen på den kära Facebooken och den stämmer verkligen sjukt bra så jag måste lägga ut den här. Kommer inte riktigt ihåg vad det var för frågor man fick svara på, men smarta frågor måste det ha varit...:

Openness 38%
You dislike needless complexity, and prefer the familiar over the unusual. You are more conservative than many, but not extremely so.

Conscientiousness 75%
You avoid forseeable trouble through purposefully planning and achieve success through persistence. You are reliable and in control of your life.

Extraversion 38%
You prefer low-key social occasions, with a few close friends. It`s not that you are afraid of large parties; they`re just not that fun.

Agreeableness 94%
You are extremely easy to get along with. You are considerate, friendly, generous and helpful and you consider most other people to be thoroughly decent and trustworthy.

Neuroticism 38%
You are calm and emotionally stable. Things rarely bother you, and when they do get you down the feeling does not persist for long.

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